Mission Statement. Opera Australia.
Web site accessed 22/2/09
To present opera of excellence that excites audiences and develops and sustains the art form in Australia
To this end, we will:
1. Interpret with integrity the indivisible musical and dramatic qualities of operatic works from four centuries including our own time and place;
2. Satisfy and extend the experience of the committed opera audience while actively encouraging and developing new audiences;
3. Operate year-round: mounting major seasons in Sydney and Melbourne,
and reaching a wider community through multimedia, regional tours and collaboration with State companies;
4. Strengthen our ensemble values of co-operative working, cumulative
learning and mutual respect between all areas and members of the Company;
5. Develop financial strength through long-term planning, prudent cost
control and maximising revenues from box-office, sponsors, donors, governments, tourism and other commercial activities;
6. Continue to build the confidence, trust and loyalty of the public,
governments and sponsors through efficient service and honest,
effective communication;
7. Attract, develop, challenge and retain people of the highest calibre
within an organisation that is effectively led, well informed and in which
their contribution is respected and celebrated;
8. Expect artists and staff to continue their professional growth throughout
their careers and to draw, as appropriate, on the accumulated knowledge within and available to the Company;
9. Continue the mutual benefit flowing from collaboration with international artists and companies;
10. Be rigorous in self-examination and open to informed, outside evaluation of both our successes and failures;
So that:
Australia's cultural landscape is enriched by a nationally and internationally acknowledged opera company;
Artists and staff collaborate in a unique working environment, which encourages them to give of their best;
Sponsors, governments and supporters receive a highly-valued artistic dividend and benefits of association; and,
The Company secures long-term and mutually profitable relations with key venues and multimedia.
Dear Friends,
I was pleased 20 of you were able to take some of our wonderful summer crop
of Satsuma blood plums. The fruit are still a week or two away...
1 month ago